वो चाहत ही है, जो अंधेरी आंखों मे, उजाला भर देती है…वो चाहत ही है,जो खो जाय तो, इन आंखों मे आँसूओ का समंदर भर देती है॥


शब्दों की तलाश मे, ये रात गुजर जायेगी…

कुछ बातों की आस मे, कायनात बदल जायेगी…

जब चाहतों की उसकी, सौगात चली जायेगी…

तब चीखेंगे आँसू, और, बरसात सहम जायेगी॥

इन रात के अंधेरों मे, मै रह रहा सा था कहीं…

तू प्यार का एक दीप जला, इक उजियारा सा कर गई…

जब लौ को बचाने मे, हथेलियां सुलग जायेंगी…

तब चीखेंगे आँसू, और, बरसात सहम जायेगी॥

प्यासा राही बनकर मै, भटकता रहा उन राहों में…

तू अक्सर मुझको प्रेम का, एक प्याला पिला जाती थी…

जब राहों से ओस की, वह बूदें सूख जायेंगी…

तब चीखेंगे आँसू, और, बरसात सहम जायेगी॥

भीड़ की आवाज भी, जब अनसुनी सी थी कहीं…

तब आहटों को भी तूने, इन सासों मे बसा दिया…

जब घुंघरुओ की छ्नछनाहट, ये आँगन छोड़ जायेगी…

तब चीखेंगे आँसू, और, बरसात सहम जायेगी॥

एहसास ना था धूप का, इस जलन का, उस आग का…

पर तेरे एक स्पर्श  ने, इस रूह को सहला दिया…

जब चाँद की शीतलता भी, इक ऊष्णता बन जायेगी…

तब चीखेंगे आँसू, और, बरसात सहम जायेगी॥

ना चाहता था जानना, इस मौसम को आकाश को…

ना तनहाइयों का फ़ीकापन, ना साथ की मिठास को…

जब दर्द भरे संसार मै, तू मुझको छोड़ जायेगी…

फ़िर ना चीखेंगे आंसू, पर, ये सांसे रूठ जायेंगी…॥

अभय कुमार

First Lesson Of "SENSing NATURE"

Someday at home, i asked my mother "amm... in this rush from school to college, i sometimes realize that i definitely skipped some chapters of life. What you say is this right?” I was not expecting such powerful answer that she spontaneously poured out "obviously, you did. Life meant more than just the knowledge in those piebald pages, we are ignoramus if don’t ever sense the NATURE around. We are dried indeed being floating in the pool of wisdom."  I dint know, that these world will take me in a long journey of self-contemplation.
Well the journey yet not completed, but I find that “SENSING NATURE” is not just a couple of word, but it’s a complete course, which everyone needs to do for being educated actually. More interesting, it is free all time but priceless, and can be start at any stage of our life. And finally I read some of those skipped chapters, although the study is continued.
Among those countless chapters,one of them tells us about our existence which is the first chapter of that course.  As all of us know the concept of mortality, which is the prime truth. But beyond this we usually forget that we all are natural creature, just single things which distinguish us from other natural things is the liberty of our thought-process. God created everything else, and made a constitution of living on earth. Same as others, we too have to follow a Law i.e. “Long Original Valuable Emotion” or simply LOVE.  This law is needed to follow extensively in every moment and with everything. I also find that the nature is so strict, means whenever we try to breach this law; we are fined in the form of our Happiness.
So at last I realize that, “if we don’t want to get punish, then we need to stay out of our way
ward habits, and selfishness. Because both of them seed a trivial emotion of “LOVELESSNESS”